Dealing with an Immature Husband

May 24, 2017
Greg Baker
Dealing With an Immature Husband

It is generally regarded by most people that women mature faster than men do. There are a lot of reasons for this, but the one that needs to be addressed here is what actually matures a person. When there is an immature husband , the wife is left with the feeling that she is more of a mother than a wife. Not only will it bother her tremendously, but eventually it can severely impact the marriage in a negative manner.

Defining Maturity

Maturity is the recognition of responsibility and then the acceptance of that responsibility as a necessity in one’s own life. Maturity is taking responsibility for your responsibilities. A woman typically comes to this realization faster than a man does. Often, a man sees responsibility as an enemy, something that just gets in his way of living and having fun. This attitude is devastating to those who either depend upon him or who wish him to take an active role in a relationship.

In my counseling, I’ve notice that many men don’t mature upon getting married. They still have that single guy’s attitude and that single guy’s penchant for fun and games. Marriage doesn’t necessarily settle him down. But having children might. That is not a recommendation, merely an observation. I’ve notice that when a man holds an infant that cannot care for itself the realization of the responsibility implicit in having children sinks in for many men.

But what can a wife do about this immaturity?


A wife needs to isolate what areas her husband is immature in. More than likely, it is not in every area. List all of his responsibilities, those things that he is directly responsible for, and rate them. His wife, his children, his job, perhaps the finances, maybe the maintenance of the house, and whatever else you can think of that should go on this list.

This has the added benefit of helping you to isolate your own frustration. He may be good with the children and be lousy with money. He may be great with money but not very good at providing you with needed security. He might have fantastic work ethic, but is sloppy with his things at home. Find out what areas are causing you the frustration.

Praise him for the areas he does well in. It is difficult for a man to deal with a nagging and unhappy wife. Most men deal with emotions in such a different way than his wife does, so he doesn’t know how to handle hers well. But he loves praise. Praise will encourage him and may even help him toward being responsible in those other weak areas.


This may sound a bit chauvinist, but hear me out. I counsel a lot of men, and I’ve noticed a curious contradiction. Most men won’t seek help on their own. It is the result of that ego and pride that men have in abundance. But if they actually do come to me, I’m able to show them, from a man’s perspective, why they need to take responsibility in certain areas of their life.

Often, if an immature husband can see the problem from a man’s point of view, it may finally dawn on him that he can no longer run or hide from his responsibilities. In addition, many men just flat-out don’t know what to do because no one ever taught them. Their solution up until this point is to ignore the problem.

But using a man to point out the problems and solutions from a man’s perspective will go a long way to helping your immature husband grow up and mature. He many resist this, but if you can find the right pastor, counselor, or mature adviser to help, it’ll go a long way.


Ladies, watching your husband’s immaturity produces fear and frustration in you. Your expression of those fears and frustration more often than not will drive your husband away from accepting responsibility.

To be frank, you need to play off his ego and pride to reach him. Most men have fantasies of being that knight in shining armor that wishes to rescue the damsel in distress. This isn’t true for all men, but it is typical of male psychology. Instead of flailing at him with your words, show your distress in a way that makes him want to come to your rescue.

Good communication is the key to any relationship. I’ve written a book on it because the importance of this concept is generally misunderstood. Yelling, screaming, nagging, and name calling doesn’t really do much to get an immature husband to accept responsibility. Learn to communicate your fears better. I’m not suggesting that you appear helpless, but I am suggesting that you be a bit smarter in how you express your concerns to your husband.


If you always do his job, then you aren’t giving him a reason to do it himself. Why should he do it if you will? Unfortunately, many men think this way without consciously being aware of it. In some cases, you may feel that you have no choice, particularly when it comes to money or the children. But in general, if you pick up after him, become his alarm clock, become his character, fulfill his promises to his friends, and so forth, he will come to expect that from you.

Understand that most people, male or female, have grown up being pandered to. Their parents supplied every need and most wants. Society panders to children and their innocence — and then cuts it all off when they turn 18. There is very little effort or skill at making smooth transitions into adulthood. For eighteen years, it was all about him. Now it is no longer true, but he hasn’t really come to grips or true understanding of that. He doesn’t realize that responsibility is accepting the needs of others.

You may need to help your immature husband learn that. You may need to ignore his irresponsibility and let him suffer the consequences of his own actions. You may have to do it in complete silence. Don’t scold, don’t yell, don’t lecture, don’t be a mother, that’ll only push him away. But he may need to learn that there are things that he now has to do on his own.


Be very, very wise in how you do this. You don’t want to push him to the point where he just gives up. Make sure you are helping, not making the situation worse.

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