When communicating with children it is important to keep your goals in mind. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to reason with a child. A very young child won’t be able to give you the reasoning for his actions.
Character is self government. The ability to rule your desires and lusts–even your needs–is what character is all about. It forces you to do the right thing even when you have no desire to do so. It does not rely on someone else’s character but has the ability to determine your direction despite personal desires.
Although it is impossible to lump every woman—or man—into a single category, in the decade that I have been counseling marriages, I have found that the vast majority of women who struggle in their marriage all lack the same ingredient. It seems to be a secret to most men as to what this ingredient is and, strangely, most women can’t put a finger on it either, they just know something is wrong. It’s a secret that shouldn’t be a secret.
Is there some magic formula? Do you have to be talented, intelligent, well spoken, successful, or is it merely increasing your love for your spouse? Do you need a special skill set? Find out if you have what it takes to have a happy marriage.
Possessing the ability to speak does not mean we possess the skill to speak well. Communication is the cornerstone of all relationships. It therefore stands to reason that if communication skills are suffering, then so is the relationships associated with it. These tips and suggestions will help those who wish to communicate better and strengthen their relationships.
The Divine Ingredient is the mixing of God’s Divine Nature into your heart, mind, and relationships. This connects you to God’s Divine Power and then adds the euphoric taste of God’s goodness into your life.
What is the Divine Ingredient? 2 Peter 1:3-10 tells us that it is when the Divine Nature of God mixes with your heart and mind to connect you to His Divine Power. Once done, this brings out the incredible flavor of each one of your unique relationships. 2 Peter 1:3-10 2Pe 1:3 According as his …
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