There is a difference between preaching and teaching. They both are important, but each serves a unique purpose that is vital to a Christian.
Building good character is about addition, not subtraction. Too often, we try improving ourselves by focusing on what should be cut instead of what to add.
Setting rules for your children when they are young is important. Most parents struggle how to do this, but here are 3 easy steps for any household.
So many people are just living together, so why get married? What are the benefits of marriage that would make marriage more desireable?
te is wrong! We should never hate! But is that even possible? Can a person go through life without hating anything? Can God even do that?
A successful marriage does not happen by accident. If it is successful, it is because it was done deliberately. No two people who have different perspectives, different likes and dislikes, different attitudes, and different desires are going to work together unless it is done deliberately. The following principles are what goes into creating a successful Christian marriage. Here are the Ten Principles for a successful marriage.
In your life, there is a dangerous sin that exceeds all other sins you commit. This sin has the potential to do more harm than any other sin in your life. Unless it is dealt with, your spiritual life is in very real mortal danger.
What is humility? And how do you get it? Humility can’t be found by trying to be humble. Humility can only be found when you are focused on something else.
Does love conquer all? If so, then why is the divorce rate so high? Love is not enough. Relationships need more than love–love is just a good start.
What exactly is the grace of God? Is it unmerited favor? Is it divine luck? Is it something else? Grace is much more than what most christians think it is.
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