There is resistance to walking with God. Every Christian knows this, but what are those resistors and what can we do about them?
There is resistance to walking with God. Every Christian knows this, but what are those resistors and what can we do about them?
Everyone can find true happiness if they want. Most people just go about it the wrong way and end up miserable and unhappy. It's time to change that.
An immature husband can be a major marital problem. Maturity isn't something you can turn on with a switch, but it needs to be addressed and dealt with.
I am asked often why bad things happen to good people. Personally, I believe there are four basic reasons why bad things happen to people -- good or bad.
Your acceptance of what marriage is will dictate how you approach nearly every aspect of the relationship. One way to define the term "philosophy" is the perspective of values attributed to a given subject. In other words, a philosophy is the meaning and purpose of something. So depending on your philosophy of marriage, your attitudes, your feelings, and your actions will be dictated by it.
We all have regrets, but how do you live with them? What can I do to overcome these regrets in my life? Is there a way to live with them or get rid of them?
To make a marriage work, many things must go right. But with all the problems that can happen in a marriage, only one type of marriage can't be saved.
We are taught that jealousy is wrong. Indeed, it often leads to disastrous results. But is it normal? Or is it the result of some wrong thinking or the result of wrong decisions?
If God would simply do miracles all the time for everyone, then there would be no question of His existence. Wouldn't everyone be a believer? As good as that sounds, there is a very good reason why God doesn't seem to do miracles all the time for everyone. Miracles do not produce faith. In fact, it is faith that produces miracles.
God built the family to function in a particular way. When we know the roles, influences, and dynamics of God's plan, everything in the family works better.
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