Divine Ingredient Articles

Adding the Divine Ingredient to your life through the written word.

We think that our actions define us more than our words. But the reality is exactly the opposite. Our actions are important, but our actions are psychologically used to judge the truth of our words, and judging the truth of our words is an act of judging who you are as a person. Be careful what you say.

Doubts are much more common among Christians than any of us like to admit. In fact, I suspect that if we were totally honest, we all have doubts somewhere in our Christian life. You may not have doubts about God’s existence—though many who read this do—but you may have doubts about God’s love for you, your purpose, your place in life, or even about the Bible.

There is a direct correlation between fear and anger. It is common to become angry over what we fear. It is almost an instinctual reaction. But understanding this relationship may help us in controlling our anger.

How do you prioritize the important things in your life? What priorities come first? What is the proper thinking when setting your life's priorities?

Every parent wants their values to be transferred to their children, but many parents seem to be reluctant to impose these values out of some fear.

Typically, a wife worries more about the marriage. Anytime I do marriage counseling, I require the couple to privately rate their marriage between 0 and 10 -- zero being hell on earth and ten being heaven on earth. Almost without fail, the wife will put down a lower number than her husband. Often, the disparity between the numbers is large. She will put down a zero or a one and he will put down a seven or an eight.

At some point, your children will begin to recognize the hypocrisy in your life. In truth, we all are hypocrites to some degree or another. Most people will admit that they believe in their hearts that something is wrong, yet haven't found the character or desire to stop doing it themselves.

There is some debate over whether or not you should allow your teenager to disagree with you. I'm of the mind that if the teenager doesn't have a platform to voice his or her disagreements, you could isolate your teenager from you in a way that you would not like.

Every person needs to have three essential needs met in order to feel fulfilled and satisfied. If you meet these needs, your relationships will be stronger.

No matter what type of relationship you have--marriage, family, or friends--to have a functioning, healthy relationship you need three ingredients that are essential to the success of that relationship.