In Luke 8, Jairus is coming to Jesus to ask for healing for his daughter who is dying. If you remember the story, there was a significant pause enroute to Jairus’ house because of the woman with the issue of blood. You can imagine how anxious this made Jairus when Jesus stopped to deal with …
We read in Genesis chapter 45 that Jacob had quite a shock when his sons returned from Egypt and told him that his son Joseph was still alive. Verse 26 says that “Jacob’s heart fainted, for he believed them not.” Years ago, these same sons lost Jacob’s trust concerning Joseph. His lack of belief came …
I was brought up with the biblical teaching of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. I grew up secure. Secure with the hope of eternal life because of Christ. I’ve never struggled with fear of death, though the thought of death is unpleasant and intimidating. But I do consider myself to have been “bitten by …
Perhaps a better question would be why would you want a God you could completely understand? It is so you can feel equal to God? So that His decisions would be more palatable to you? So that you could relate better, or perhaps so you do not need to trust Him.
Since faith is essential to the Christian life, many Christians wonder if their faith is strong enough or is quantifiable enough to impress God into answering their prayers and seeing God work wonders in their life. Even asking the question, “How do I know if I have faith?”, shows the lack of faith and expresses the doubt in your heart. But your faith isn’t based on your present doubt, but on what you do to overcome your doubt.
You have questions about God. You aren’t alone. In fact, the number one search in the United States of people who have questions about God is: Who created God? Since each of us has a beginning, we have a hard time conceiving of a being with none. In fact, it is easier to comprehend no end (who likes to consider their own mortality?) than it is to understand no beginning.
There is resistance to walking with God. Every Christian knows this, but what are those resistors and what can we do about them?
If God would simply do miracles all the time for everyone, then there would be no question of His existence. Wouldn’t everyone be a believer? As good as that sounds, there is a very good reason why God doesn’t seem to do miracles all the time for everyone. Miracles do not produce faith. In fact, it is faith that produces miracles.
Doubts are much more common among Christians than any of us like to admit. In fact, I suspect that if we were totally honest, we all have doubts somewhere in our Christian life. You may not have doubts about God’s existence—though many who read this do—but you may have doubts about God’s love for you, your purpose, your place in life, or even about the Bible.
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