I was brought up with the biblical teaching of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. I grew up secure. Secure with the hope of eternal life because of Christ. I’ve never struggled with fear of death, though the thought of death is unpleasant and intimidating. But I do consider myself to have been “bitten by …
How God Renewed My Mind about Health I’m recently reminded about the power our testimony holds. When most Christians think of a testimony, they think only of a salvation testimony. But sharing a testimony of God’s work in your life is just as powerful. It encourages others to allow God to do a similar work …
When God answers prayer, He usually works in ways that we would never have thought of. I love watching God do something in His own ways that are subtle reminders that He is God. He is all wise and all powerful and above all. He will rarely, or perhaps never, answer our prayer exactly as …
Conspiracy theories is not a new phenomenon. In fact, you can make the case that the Original Sin was a direct result of a conspiracy theory put out by Satan: Genesis 3:1-5 – Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto …
Perhaps a better question would be why would you want a God you could completely understand? It is so you can feel equal to God? So that His decisions would be more palatable to you? So that you could relate better, or perhaps so you do not need to trust Him.
The key to controlling your anger is not taking charge of it like you would a child, or an employee, or a car. Once you lose your temper, you are no longer in control. Controlling your anger means you find a way to control when and why you get angry. Anger is not necessarily wrong, so being in control isn’t the ability to suppress your anger, but deciding what you should get angry about.
Since faith is essential to the Christian life, many Christians wonder if their faith is strong enough or is quantifiable enough to impress God into answering their prayers and seeing God work wonders in their life. Even asking the question, “How do I know if I have faith?”, shows the lack of faith and expresses the doubt in your heart. But your faith isn’t based on your present doubt, but on what you do to overcome your doubt.
A sense of humor is essential for handling the stresses of life. The ability to find something funny in life is a key feature to discovering joy in a sometimes rather dreary world. Laughter allows you to bleed tension out of your mind and body. It allows you to deal with difficult situations.
It can be agonizing to watch a friend or loved one suffer through a broken heart. However, there are things that we can do to help them through it. Now if you did the heartbreaking, that would be an altogether different situation. If you broke someone’s heart accidentally, you can probably help the healing process with a heartfelt apology and doing everything in your power to make up for the wrong. If you did it intentionally, for whatever reason, the odds are unless you think you made a mistake and try to fix it, everything you do will only add to the other person’s pain.
We’ve heard it said often that we need to forgive and forget. What a wonderful thing it would be if we could actually forget the wrongs done to us! Wouldn’t it be great if by forgetting, we could erase all the pain, all the worry, all the stress, and all the negative emotions from the wrong? I know I’d love that. And if there is a magical formula somewhere on how to do it, I certainly would want to know about it. Life would be easier if we could forgive and then forget.
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