In your life, there is a dangerous sin that exceeds all other sins you commit. This sin has the potential to do more harm than any other sin in your life. Unless it is dealt with, your spiritual life is in very real mortal danger.
What is humility? And how do you get it? Humility can’t be found by trying to be humble. Humility can only be found when you are focused on something else.
What exactly is the grace of God? Is it unmerited favor? Is it divine luck? Is it something else? Grace is much more than what most christians think it is.
Changing bad behavior can be done. When you understand how behavior is determined in the mind and heart, then you can deal with it and change it.
The eternal nature of God cannot be expressed by mere mortals. We are bound to time, but God is not. He sees all of time, past and future, as the present.
Are you wondering why you are so angry? It may be that you are angry more and more and you don’t even know why. There are many reasons why this might be true, but a common denominator as to why you are so angry all the time is that you just don’t understand.
The greatest problem with a bad past is not that you made mistakes or did things wrong. It is that you can’t go back and undo it. That is the most frustrating part about guilt and regrets. We are hands on people. We want to fix mistakes and right wrongs. But once the moment has slipped into the past, what’s done is done. We can’t go back and undo or even redo it. That is the problem. Since we are people of action, letting your past go is dependent on some sort of action that we can take. There is, fortunately, something we can do.
Giving is an important aspect of the Christian life. Money represents both your life and where your heart is. If you earn 10 dollars an hour then a 10 dollar bill represents one hour of your life. When you give that same 10 dollars to God, you have, in fact, given God 1 hour of your life. This is why giving for the Christian is so important.
Emotional immaturity is the result of or a combination of the following: emotional trauma as a child or young person or never having had to accept responsibility for one’s own actions. These two things are the primary source of emotional immaturity. Combined, they reflect a troubled individual and personality that needs to either heal or mature properly.
Choosing the right words are perhaps the single most important key to ending arguments and avoiding arguments. You’re going to disagree with people, and when you feel it is necessary to voice your disagreement, choosing the right words are essential. No two people can ever agree on everything. When you feel it necessary to voice your disagreement, your approach, your words, your mannerisms all come into play on how other people react to your disagreement.
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